Flowering Tree by Gladys V. Jones

This Mystical Interpretation of Reincarnation is introduced by Gina Cerminara who has also explored experience in these upper reaches. Miss Jones is a practicing psychic who takes a symbolic view of reality and deals, not in mundane matters, but in universal values. Some of this has a certain parallelism with the work of Jung. Her book, a collection of what she calls cyclical readings from her practice, is a series of commentaries followed by illustrative fables, infused with strong, mythic elements. They all involve a continuum of mystical-philosophical illuminations on rebirth and renascence, the human soul and/or the immortal soul, Karma and its sequential stages, etc., etc. At the close there is a key to the symbols in the stories along with selected readings in the field and a bibliography. Her book will presuppose the predisposed reader.

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