A Power Animal’s Viewpoint

We Power Animals show up in many forms, (i.e., bear, snake, ant, bird, fish, marine mammals like whales and dolphins as examples). We come to you in your visions, dreams, and journeys. Think in terms of non-ordinary reality of consciousness versus ordinary reality of our everyday, third dimension life.  We…

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The #1 Law of Spiritual Alchemy

Stand on your head and you might notice something new. I read somewhere that the Spiritual Laws of Alchemy originated from ancient Persia. I heard about them from one of my Teachers. It doesn’t matter. They are practical tools for becoming self-aware, and being self-aware is the ticket to knowing…


The #2 Law of Spiritual Alchemy

The things you are seeing aren’t even there. When we accept as accurate the saying I’ll believe it when I see it, we are prisoners of our conditioning, counterintuitive to creating something we want that has yet to manifest. Over time, as we become more self-aware, we understand that the…


The #3 Law of Spiritual Alchemy

Doing something the same way will get what you have always gotten. Who could you be when you try something new? We are all doing the best we can. If that was not so, we would do better. (wiser choices, better responses). In other words, we can only be as…


A Power Animal’s Viewpoint

We Power Animals show up in many forms, (i.e. bear, snake, ant, bird, fish, marine mammals like whales and dolphins as examples). We come to you in your visions, dreams, and journeys. Think in terms of non-ordinary reality of consciousness versus ordinary reality of our everyday, third dimension life.   We…