Medicine Drumming

I am sinking, my body simultaneously expanding into weightlessness and contracting into heaviness. A feeling of release, letting go, sinking into the presence of being present. Yet nowhere or nothing to be present to.A distant whisper of silence, space shifting. I am aware that I am neither here nor there.…


A Power Animal’s Viewpoint

We Power Animals show up in many forms, (i.e. bear, snake, ant, bird, fish, marine mammals like whales and dolphins as examples). We come to you in your visions, dreams, and journeys. Think in terms of non-ordinary reality of consciousness versus ordinary reality of our everyday, third dimension life.   We…


Same Kind of Different as Me

Same Kind of Different as Me is what we need to figure out about each other.  It’s a title of a book and a movie based on a true story. It’s one of those films I wish more folks would take the time to watch.  Same Kind of Different as Me…

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What Happened? How Did I Get Here?

Have you ever looked at your life and asked, “What happened? How did I get here?” Of course there are times when we are where we intended to be and know how we got there. Not so often I think. Our life journey is often more like when we drive…