A Power Animal’s Viewpoint
We Power Animals show up in many forms, (i.e., bear, snake, ant, bird, fish, marine mammals like whales and dolphins as examples). We come to you in your visions, dreams, and journeys. Think in terms of non-ordinary reality of consciousness versus ordinary reality of our everyday, third dimension life. We
The #1 Law of Spiritual Alchemy
Stand on your head and you might notice something new. I read somewhere that the Spiritual Laws of Alchemy originated from ancient Persia. I heard about them from one of my Teachers. It doesn’t matter. They are practical tools for becoming self-aware, and being self-aware is the ticket to knowing
The #2 Law of Spiritual Alchemy
The things you are seeing aren’t even there. When we accept as accurate the saying I’ll believe it when I see it, we are prisoners of our conditioning, counterintuitive to creating something we want that has yet to manifest. Over time, as we become more self-aware, we understand that the
The #3 Law of Spiritual Alchemy
Doing something the same way will get what you have always gotten. Who could you be when you try something new? We are all doing the best we can. If that was not so, we would do better. (wiser choices, better responses). In other words, we can only be as
Medicine Drumming
I am sinking, my body simultaneously expanding into weightlessness and contracting into heaviness. A feeling of release, letting go, sinking into the presence of being present. Yet nowhere or nothing to be present to. A distant whisper of silence, space shifting. I am aware that I am neither here nor
A Power Animal’s Viewpoint
We Power Animals show up in many forms, (i.e. bear, snake, ant, bird, fish, marine mammals like whales and dolphins as examples). We come to you in your visions, dreams, and journeys. Think in terms of non-ordinary reality of consciousness versus ordinary reality of our everyday, third dimension life. We
Same Kind of Different as Me
Same Kind of Different as Me is what we need to figure out about each other. It’s a title of a book and a movie based on a true story. It’s one of those films I wish more folks would take the time to watch. Same Kind of Different as Me
What Happened? How Did I Get Here?
Have you ever looked at your life and asked, “What happened? How did I get here?” Of course there are times when we are where we intended to be and know how we got there. Not so often I think. Our life journey is often more like when we drive
You Could Move from New York to California and Remain in the Same State
The saying, “Wherever you go there you are” is something most of us eventually discover when trying to get away or make a change in order to feel differently. The state we live in is inside. I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired as I began my work today. Nothing wrong, just
Small Moments Make a Big Life
How many times have we all heard that it’s the small things in life which make for a great journey? When we hear this we usually think of things like sunsets, full moons, autumn colors or a child’s laughter. There are so many more of those small, joyful moments that
Our Hero’s Journey
Our life is a hero’s journey of unexpected events, surprising challenges, tests of courage and tenacity ~ and immeasurable possibility. The following poem by J.R.R. Tolkien speaks of the journey of life. I wondered at the beauty and depth of its words. I first saw it several years ago and